Greetings from the Redding Rodeo Association Auxiliary.
I’m Bonnie Mason and
I’m honored to be the RRAA president
during the Redding Rodeos 76th year!
The auxiliary was formed in the early 1950’s to
assist the rodeo association (the sheriffs posse
at that time). We’ve held true to that mission
and added on two committees, Helping Hands
and Chicks n Chaps. HH anonymously helps
throughout the north state; Chicks n Chaps
helps raise funds for various charities in NorCal;
in the past 15 years, RRAA, Helping Hands
and Chicks n Chaps have donated back almost
$100,000 to local charities!!
The Redding Rodeo has been a big part of my
own life for the past 60+ years. I simply cannot
imagine a May without the action and fun that it
brings to the entire North State!
Bonnie Mason
RRAA president 2018-2024
Thank you to the wonderful board and chairwomen
of RRAA… we are very grateful for your
incredible sense of volunteerism!
Vice president: Kim Gooch
Treasurer: Karen Moller
Secretary: Laurie Alexander
Past President: Jeanne Mors
Helping Hands: Jeanne Mors, Sheila Heuer,
Erin Bambino
Board: Tami Baker, Linda Bott, Jennifer Mattson,
Mary Zwaga
Sunshine: Heather Hill
Trail boss: Lisa Mason-Shaver
Parliamentarian: Mary Zwaga
Property: Sheila Geivet
Historian: Tracye Gromacki
Membership: Bryce Eitzler
Steak feed volunteers: Sandi McClure
Door monitor (clubhouse): Michelle Turner
Social media: Kim Gooch
Chicks n Chaps: Sheila Heuer